Memorial Photos - Eliana Teixeira Goulart Berg
September 12, 1949 - November 21, 2002

Last updated 03/08/2003

Click here to start

Cast of Characters

Eliana's Family:
Father - Jose Goulart Penteado,
Mother - Leduina Edith Teixeira Goulart,
Sister - Sueli Teixeira Goulart,

  • Matthew L. Berigan (husband, divorced 2005)
  • Tiago Juliao (son)
  • Camila Edith (daughter)

Brother - Artur Jose Goulart Penteado
  • Vanessa Goes (wife)
  • Gabriela (daughter)

Craig Berg's (husband) Family:
Father - Roy J. Berg
Mother - Mary Jane Berg
Brother - Scott Berg
  • Angelyn Jewel (wife)
Sister - Deborah Berg
  • Scott Singewald (husband)
  • Alison (daughter)
  • Bryan (son)
    Brother - Keith Berg
  • Mary Hedblom (wife)
    Brother - Brant Berg
  • Calli Berg (wife)
  • Alexa (daughter)
  • Logan (son)

  • Author: Craig Berg


    Home Page:

    All of these photos were part of Eliana's memorial service. The order has changed to become more chronologically accurate.

    The background on the subsequent pages is actually a scanned image from a Portuguese tile salvaged from a building in Eliana's home town Santos.